
  • 刘文彬
  • 2019-09-17
  • 12670







  • 政治理论 100分)


  • 第二外国语(100分)
    • 日语:《新版中日交流标准日本语》(中级上、下册)(2014年版),人民教育出版社。
    • 法语:孙辉,2006,《简明法语教程》(上、下册),商务印书馆。
    • 《新编大学德语》(第1-2册) ,2011,外语教学与研究出版社。


                    《新概念德语》(第1-2册) ,2012,安徽科学技术出版社。

  • 基础英语(150分)

         第一部分 词汇(20分)

         第二部分 阅读(50分)

         第三部分 翻译(50分)

         第四部分 写作(30分)


  • 英美文学综合(150分)


  • 张剑,赵冬,王文丽编:《英美诗歌选读》,2008年,外语教学与研究出版社
  • 罗经国:《新编英国文学选读》2卷本,第四版,北京大学出版社
  • 陈嘉:《英国文学作品选读》 3卷本,商务印书馆
  • 李宜燮、常耀信主编:《美国文学选读》2卷本(上下册),1991年版,南开大学出版社
  • Baym, Nina ed. Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter Seventh Edition, New York and London: Norton, 2008.
  • M.H. 艾布拉姆斯:《文学术语词典》(中英对照版),北京大学出版社,第十版。


第一部分 词汇(20分)


例:TEXT 1

continued, listed, while, lending, in, as, include, appearing, lasting, succeeded

Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was ___1___ by Renaissance architecture.

Originating in 12th-century France and ___2___ into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as “the French Style”, with the term Gothic first __3___ during the latter part of the Renaissance. Its characteristic features ___4___ the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.

Gothic architecture is most familiar ___5___ the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. It is also the architecture of many castle, palaces, town halls, guild halls, universities, and to a less prominent extent, private dwellings.

It is in the great churches and cathedrals and ___6___ a number of civic buildings that the Gothic style was expressed most powerfully, its characteristics ___7___ themselves to appeal to the emotions. A great number of ecclesiastical buildings remain from this period, of which even the smallest are often structures of architectural distinction ___8___ many of the larger churches are considered priceless works of art and are ___9___ with UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

A series of Gothic revivals began in mid-18th century England, spread through 19th-century Europe and ___10___, largely for ecclesiastical and university structures, into the 20th century.

TEXT 2(略)

第二部分 阅读(50分)

  1. 用简单的英文重述以下划横线的句子(每题6分,共30分)



The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands, where grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation. This economic reliance on livestock in certain regions makes large tracts of land susceptible to overgrazing. The consequences of an excessive number of livestock grazing in an area are the reduction of the vegetation cover and the trampling and pulverization of the soil. This is usually followed by the drying of the soil and accelerated erosion.

  1. 写出下列语段的概要。概要的长度应约等于原文的三分之一(共20分)


In developing a model of cognition, we must recognize that perception of the external world does not always remain independent of motivation. While progress toward maturity is positively correlated with differentiation between motivation and cognition, tension will, even in the mature adult, militate towards a narrowing of the range of perception and in the lessening of the objectivity of perception.

Cognition can be seen as the first step in the sequence of events leading from the external stimulus to the behavior of the individual. The child develops from belief that all things are an extension of its own body to the recognition that objects exist independent of his perception. He begins to demonstrate awareness of people and things which are removed from his sensory apparatus and initiates goal directed behaviors. He may, however, refuse to recognize the existence of barriers to the attainment of his goals, despite the fact that his cognition of these objects has been previously demonstrated.

In the primitive being, goal-directed behavior can be very simply motivated. The presence of an attractive object will cause an infant to reach for it; its removal will result in the cessation of that action. Studies have shown no evidence of the infant’s frustration; rather, it appears that the infant ceases to desire the object when he cannot see it. Further indications are that the infant’s attention to the attractive object increases as a result of its not being in his grasp. In fact, if he holds a toy and another is presented, he is likely to drop the first in order to clutch the second. Often, once he has the one desired in his hands, he loses attention and turns to something else.

The impact of the socialization process, particularly that parental and social group ideology, may reduce cognitively directed behavior. The tension this produced, as for instance the stress of fear, anger, or extreme emotion, will often be the overriding influence.

第三部分 翻译(50分)






第四部分 写作(30分)






Passage 1 (4 points)

A.     A pound of that same merchant’s flesh is thine.

        The court awards it, and the law doth give it.

B.     Most rightful judge!

A.    And you must cut this flesh from off his breast.

        The law allows it and the court awards it.

B.     Most learned judge! A sentence! Come, prepare.

A.     Tarry a little; there is something else.

         This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood:

         The words expressly are ‘a pound of flesh.’

         Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh;

         But, in the cutting it, if thou dost shed

         One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods

         Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate

         Unto the state of Venice.

C.     O upright judge!

         Mark, Jew, ----O learned judge!

B.     Is that the law?



  1. Stream of consciousness (5 points)



  • 英国文学作品鉴赏 (1*35分)


Against these far stretches of country rose, in front of the other city edifices, a large red-brick building, with level grey roofs, and rows of short barred windows bespeaking captivity– the whole contrasting greatly by its formalism with the quaint irregularities of the Gothic erections. It was somewhat disguised from the road in passing it by yews and evergreen oaks, but it was visible enough up here. The wicket from which the pair had lately emerged was in the wall of this structure. From the middle of the building an ugly flat-topped octagonal tower ascended against the east horizon, and viewed from this spot, on its shady side and against the light, it seemed the one blot on the city’s beauty. Yet it was with this blot, and not with the beauty, that the two gazers were concerned.

Upon the cornice of the tower a tall staff was fixed. Their eyes were rivetted on it. A few minutes after the hour had struck something moved slowly up the staff, and extended itself upon the breeze. It was a black flag.

“Justice” was done, and the President of the Immortals (in Æschylean phrase) had ended his sport with Tess. And the d’Urberville knights and dames slept on in their tombs unknowing. The two speechless gazers bent themselves down to the earth, as if in prayer, and remained thus a long time, absolutely motionless: the flag continued to wave silently. As soon as they had strength they arose, joined hands again, and went on.


  1. Who are the two gazers? What are they looking at? In what sense is the tower a “blot on the city’s beauty”? (10 points)
  2. What is your understanding of this supernatural force that plays sport with Tess? What else can be held accountable for her tragedy? (10 points)
  3. Making characters join in matrimony is a common practice used to end the novel. With the pair joining hands, the novel concerned here leaves little doubt that a marriage is upcoming. What do you think of this potential marriage? To what extent does the author follow the common practice of ending the novel with happy marriages? Is there any divergence? (15 points)
  • 美国文学作品鉴赏 (1*35分)


I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—

The Stillness in the Room

Was like the Stillness in the Air—

Between the Heaves of Storm—

The Eyes around—had wrung them dry—

And Breaths were gathering firm

For that last Onset—when the King

Be witnessed—in the Room—

I willed my Keepsakes—Signed away

What portions of me be

Assignable—and then it was

There interposed a Fly

With Blue—uncertain stumbling Buzz—

Between the light—and me—

And then the Windows failed—and then

I could not see to see—


  1. Try to analyze the poem’s style from several perspectives. (10 points)
  2. What does the “King” in the second stanza refer to? Do you think the speaker really heard a fly or is it merely a hallucination? What might the fly stand for? (15 points)
  3. How does the poet understand death? (10 points)

四、问答题 (40分)



  1. Feminist critics note that “a woman writer must examine, assimilate, and transcend the extreme images of ‘angel’ and ‘monster’ which male authors have generated for her”. Choose ONE of the major women novelists in the 19th century England and illustrate how she deals with this question of self-definition. Use concrete textual evidence (character, plot, etc.) to support your idea. (20 points)